Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Moving the blog

OK so I'm consolidating all the things into one page. Please head over to http://www.kjhitt.com to continue following my story!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

So remember how I said I don't keep up with blogs well? Yeah... told ya so.

Anyway Happy 2014 to everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's Eve and no one did anything stupid - at least that was caught on camera and could haunt you later. We had a great time with good friends, tons of food, and lots of drinks and yet still I had no hangover. I consider that an excellent start to the new year.

I have a LOT of things I've been meaning to blog about but honestly have not had the time. November/December is the busiest time of year at my day job and between extra days/hours at work and trying to get Christmas ready for the children the few times I did have a second to sit down I basically just vegged. But with a new year comes new chances. I've made a few resolutions for the year. In no particular order they are:

1. Blog more. I'm getting a new tablet to help with that. So when I'm sitting on the couch watching one of the zillion movies I got for Christmas and/or my birthday I won't have the excuse of not wanting to go to the computer in the other room.

2. Eat healthier and be more active. Yes weight loss is a goal but it'll come with the eating better and moving more so I'm going to just try to do those and let the rest come as it will. We have a gym membership and a treadmill at home. Time to use them more.

3. Actually do all the things I say I'm going to do. (#1 sort of goes with that)

Upcoming blogs for your reading and viewing (yes viewing) pleasure:

1. The Fine Art of Fangirling (this one has actually been in draft form for, oh, a month or so now)

2. Xbox One review (yes we got that bad boy at midnight on launch day, first ones in line at Gamestop!)

3. LootCrate unboxing video (one of my Christmas presents from the hubby so as per instructions in the box I must do a video of my unboxing of the LootCrate awesomeness each month) If you don't know what LootCrate is you will.

4. Doctor Who and Sherlock! (do I really need an explanation for this one?)

So there you go. A post to let you know that I am indeed alive and kicking and have things coming up that you might like. So here's to 2014 and the year of the Geek Goddess!